Who can use this feature?
Only admins can set up and manage the welcome bot
What to expect
When the bot is enabled, when a new employee joins your company they will automatically receive the welcome bot message
How does the welcome bot work?
The new employee must be active in Assembly in order to receive the welcome message
The new employee must have their start date associated to their profile at the time they are activated in Assembly to receive the message
If they are activated in Assembly without a start date, they will not receive the message
For example:
Employee A has a start date of February 4
They are activated in Assembly on February 10
They will receive the welcome message on February 10
If the new employee is active in Assembly within 14 days after their start date, the welcome message will still send for them
If they are activated in Assembly later than 14 days after their start date, they will not receive the message
For example:
Employee A has a start date of February 4
They are activated in Assembly on February 20
They will not receive the welcome message
If the new employee is active in Assembly before their start date, they will receive the message on their designated start date as it appears in Assembly
The welcome message will go out for all new employees at 8:00AM in their designated time zone (designated in their individual profile settings)
If they do not have a designated time zone set in their profile, it will go out at 8:00AM in the time zone that your Assembly is set in
New employees will be notified of the welcome message via email as well as in Assembly in the notifications page
The welcome message will appear on your home page, and also on your recognition page
Setting up your welcome bot
Go to your admin page
Select Bots -> Welcome
Set the points value for the welcome message
Enable the 'Give points' toggle
Select the amount of points you would like to give
If you would like to give swag points, enter the amount of swag points you would like to receive in the 'Swag points' input
You can give both regular points and swag points, simply input the amount of points you would like to give in each input
When the welcome message is posted, the points will automatically be deposited in the new employee's earned balance
If you do not want to give points with the message, simply turn this toggle off (the message will still send)
Select GIF(s)
If you would like to include a GIF with your welcome message, enable the 'Display GIF' toggle
If you would like to use different GIFs for each post, you can select up to 10 GIFs
When more than 1 GIF is selected, the GIFs will rotate for each new employees' welcome message
If you do not want to include a GIF, simply turn this toggle off (the message will still send)
Customize the welcome message
The message you include here will be the message that all new employees receive in their welcome post. You can customize it using some of our dynamic variables:
Employee first name - will include the first name of the new employee
Employee full name - will include the first and last name of the new employee
Welcome reward amount - will include the total # of points and the currency name (i.e., 10 Carrots)
Company name - will include the name of your company as it is shown in Assembly
Manager full name - will include the full name of the new employee's manager
NOTE: In order for the variables to work, you must not change the formatting of the variable, it must remain as {{employeeFirstName}}, for example. Do not alter the {{ }} or anything in between.
Deactivating your welcome bot
If you want to pause the welcome bot, without losing any of your welcome message settings, simply click 'Deactivate bot' at the top right corner of the page.
When the bot is deactivated, new employees will not receive their welcome message.
Welcome bot posts
Welcome bot posts will appear on your home feed, and also in your recognition feed
The posts will be visible to everyone in your company
Recipients will receive a notification via Email about this welcome message, as well as a notification within Assembly
You can filter the home and recognition feeds to view all welcome posts by:
Selecting the filter icon
Under the 'content type' filter, select 'Welcome'
Click 'Apply'