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Manually-Invited Members Versus Members Added Through HRIS Connections
Manually-Invited Members Versus Members Added Through HRIS Connections
Mikaela Frizzell avatar
Written by Mikaela Frizzell
Updated over a week ago

Whether or not you are connected to an HRIS identity provider, you always have the option to invite members manually to your Assembly account. Once an HRIS has been connected, there are a few different ways a member can transition between a manually-invited member and a member onboarded through an HRIS.

NOTE: If you haven’t connected your Assembly to an HRIS identity provider, check out our guide to HRIS identity provider connections!

Who can use this feature?

Only Admins can invite and manage members of your Assembly.

What to expect

  • You can manually invite members to your Assembly at any time

  • Assembly accounts with Business and Enterprise plans can connect to an HRIS identity provider at any time

  • Both free and paid accounts can manually invite members

Manually-invited members are members who were not added through any HRIS identity provider connections. They are added through email or through your Assembly’s invite URL.

Adding members while HRIS identity provider is connected

  • You can still manually-invite members to your Assembly while your HRIS identity provider is connected. If they are not part of your HRIS connection criteria they will remain a manually-invited member.

  • If you manually invite a member, and this member exists within your Assembly’s connected HRIS criteria, this member will be merged into your HRIS connection and will no longer be considered a manually-invited member.

  • If a manually-invited member (who has not yet accepted the invitation) is added to your HRIS connection criteria in a “send invites later” or queued state, they will move from pending to queued.

Removing members while HRIS identity provider is connected

  • If you manually remove a member who was originally added via your HRIS connection, they will not be re-added via HRIS data sync unless they are removed from the HRIS and re-added.

  • If you remove a member within your HRIS, who was previously manually-invited and then merged into the HRIS, they will not be re-added unless they are manually-invited or removed from the HRIS and re-added.

  • If a user is manually-invited (and never added via HRIS sync), and then manually-removed, updating your HRIS connection criteria with that user included will not add them to your Assembly. They must be manually re-added.

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