Depending on your settings if your Assembly is connected to an identity provider, or if you’ve invited members manually to your Assembly, your invited members will show up either in Queued, Requests, Pending, or Approved.
For security purposes, you cannot change the member’s email once they have been invited; you must delete the invitation and resend to the proper email or contact Assembly support to change the email.
Who can use this feature?
Only Admins can invite and manage members of your Assembly.
What to expect
It is possible to have invited members in any or all of these sections.
However, if your account is on a Free plan, you will only ever see invited members in the pending section (we’ll explain this more below).
Queued invitations
If you’ve connected your Assembly to an identity provider, and opted to send your invitations later, those invites will display under Queued. To send the invitations:
From, click the Admin icon in the lower left corner of the left navigation bar.
Click Users in the left sidebar.
Click Invite.
Select Queued.
Select one or multiple invited members.
Click the checkmark icon to approve the invitation. This will send invitations to all selected members.
You can also delete or edit the pending invited members at any time (except for their email address*)
If you delete a pending member, you will need to add them manually, or adjust your identity provider settings, to invite them again.
Requested invitations
If you’ve connected your Assembly to an identity provider, and you require Admin Approval for all members, those invites will display under Requests. To approve these requests:
From, click the Admin icon in the lower left corner of the left navigation bar.
Click Users in the left sidebar.
Click Invite.
Select Requests.
Click the checkmark icon to approve the request. This will send an invitation to the approved member. This will move the invited member to the Approved section.
Click the X icon to deny the request. The denied member will not receive an invite. You will need to add them manually, or adjust your identity provider settings, to send them another invitation.
You can also edit the requested invited members at any time (except for their email address*)
Pending invitations
To view or manage your pending invitations:
From, click the Admin icon in the lower left corner of the left navigation bar.
Click Users in the left sidebar.
Click Invite.
Select Pending.
You can edit any of the member’s information at any time (except for their email address*) by selecting the pending member and clicking the edit icon.
You can also delete a pending member or remind them to accept their invitation at any time. Sending a reminder will generate a reminder email for the pending member prompting them to accept the invitation.