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Anniversary bot celebrations
Anniversary bot celebrations

Send an automated work anniversary message to your employees to celebrate the occasion. Add points to make the celebration extra special.

Written by Katya Bachrouche
Updated over 2 months ago

Who can use this feature?

  • Only admins can set up and manage the anniversary bot

What to expect

  • When the bot is enabled, your employees will receive the anniversary message on the designated anniversaries

  • You can choose whether you want to celebrate work anniversaries every year, or only on specific milestones, or both!

How does the anniversary bot work?

  1. The employee must have their start date added to their profile in order to receive the anniversary message

    1. If it is not there on the day of the anniversary, the message will not send

  2. The anniversary message will go out for all new employees at 9:00AM in the time zone that your Assembly is set in, for all employees with anniversaries that day (regardless of what time zone they are in)

  3. Employees whose anniversary it is will be notified of the anniversary message via email as well as in Assembly in the notifications page

  4. The direct managers of the employees will also be notified

  5. The anniversary message will appear as a post on your home page, and also on your recognition page

    1. This post will be visible to your entire organization

Setting up your anniversary bot

  1. Go to your admin page

  2. Select Bots -> Anniversary

Year over year anniversary celebrations

You can configure an anniversary message to celebrate your employees' anniversary every year. This can be combined with milestone celebrations (see section below).

  1. Enable the 'Year over year' increases toggle

  2. Select the base points value for the first anniversary celebration

    1. If you want to send out a yearly anniversary message to your employees, but without sending any points, set this value to 0

    2. The message will still send, it just won't include any points

  3. If you would like to give more points for employees each year they are with your organization, select how much you would like the points to increase year over year

    1. The points you designate here will get added to the base anniversary point value for each additional year with your organization

    2. For example

      1. Year 1 anniversary award = 100

        1. For each employees 1st work anniversary, they will receive 100 points

      2. Yearly award increase = 10

        1. For each employee's 2nd work anniversary, they will receive 110 points (year 1 value + extra 10 points for the additional year)

        2. For their 3rd they will receive 120 points (year 1 value + extra 10 points for year 2, extra 10 points for year 3)

    3. If you do not wish to increase the reward value year over year, you can enter a value of 0

      1. The anniversary message will still send each year, but the reward value will be the same each year

  4. When the anniversary message is posted, the points will automatically be deposited in the new employee's earned balance

  5. If you do not want to send a yearly anniversary message, simply turn this toggle off (and your employees will not receive a yearly anniversary message)

  6. If you wish to celebrate specific milestones with a specific number of points, see the 'milestones' section below

Major anniversary milestones

If you want to celebrate major work anniversary milestones with a special point value, you can do so by enabling major anniversary milestones. You can enable this in addition to year-over-year celebrations, OR if you want to only celebrate specific milestones, you can configure milestones and turn off the year over year celebration. More on this below.

  1. Enable the 'Major anniversary milestones' toggle

  2. Determine which anniversary milestones you want to celebrate (i.e., 1, 5, 10, 15 year anniversaries)

  3. Set the point value you want to give for each milestone

    1. If you want to celebrate the milestones but do not want to send points, you can set this value to 0

    2. The message will still send on the designated milestone(s), it just won't include any points

  4. The point value you designate for each milestone will be sent on each employee's work anniversary when they reach that milestone

    1. For example

      1. You have the following milestones configured:

        1. Year 1 = 100

        2. Year 5 = 500

        3. Year 10 = 1,000

      2. If you do not have year over year increases enabled:

        1. Your employees will only receive a work anniversary message when they celebrate their 1, 5, and 10-year anniversaries with your organization, containing the designated points for that milestone

      3. If you have year over year celebrations enabled, as well as milestones enabled, the milestone value will override the year over year value:

        1. Year 1 anniversary award = 100

        2. Yearly award increase = 10

        3. Milestones enabled:

          1. Year 1 = 100

          2. Year 5 = 500

          3. Year 10 = 1,000

        4. Your employees will receive the following anniversary message and point values:

          1. Year 1 = 100

          2. Year 2 = 110

          3. Year 3 = 120

          4. Year 4 = 130

          5. Year 5 = 500

          6. Year 6 = 150

          7. Year 7 = 160

          8. Year 8 = 170

          9. Year 9 = 180

          10. Year 10 = 1,000

  5. When the anniversary message is posted, the points will automatically be deposited in the new employee's earned balance

  6. If you do not want to send anniversary milestone messages, simply turn this toggle off

Select GIF(s)

  1. If you would like to include a GIF with your anniversary message, enable the 'Display GIF' toggle

  2. If you would like to use different GIFs for each post, you can select up to 10 GIFs

  3. When more than 1 GIF is selected, the GIFs will rotate for each new employees' anniverary message

  4. If you do not want to include a GIF, simply turn this toggle off (the message will still send)

Customize the anniversary message

The message you include here will be the message that all new employees receive in their anniversary post. You can customize it using some of our dynamic variables:

  1. Year of employment - will include the total # of years your employee has been with your organization (determined by the start date configured in their profile)

  2. Employee first name - will include the first name of the new employee

  3. Employee full name - will include the first and last name of the new employee

  4. Anniversary reward - will include the total # of points and the currency name (i.e., 10 Carrots)

  5. Company name - will include the name of your company as it is shown in Assembly

NOTE: In order for the variables to work, you must not change the formatting of the variable, it must remain as {{employeeFirstName}}, for example. Do not alter the {{ }} or anything in between.

TIP: If any of your anniversary point values are 0 (either year over year or milestone), do not include the 'Anniversary reward' variable in your message. This will show a value of 0 in your message.

Deactivating your anniversary bot

If you want to pause the anniversary bot, without losing any of your anniversary message settings, simply click 'Deactivate bot' at the top right corner of the page.

When the bot is deactivated, employees will not receive their anniversary message, even if the toggles are enabled.

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